2023 Competition Results

Dear members, the end of 2023 is upon us and the results of our club competitions are in! Please see below the results for the RAGC 10-metre pistol competition and the 50-metre rifle competition.

On behalf of the committee, I want to thank all of our members, staff included, for their continued support and effort to make our club the friendly and positive-spirited environment it is. It is truly a pleasure to come to the club during any of our sessions and I hope you all feel the same way.

I wish you all a very happy new year and hope to see you in person at the club again soon.
Please remember: The club is not open tomorrow, the 31st of December. We will be back in action on Tuesday 2 January 2024 with the first 50-metre Inter-Club Competition of the year.

10-metre pistol competition
Congratulations to all competitors who managed to get a full roster of scores.
The winner of the RAGC 10m Club Competition, without surprising anyone, is Ivan Ivanov, well done Ivan! I know you feel you should do better, but you’re definitely doing better than the rest of us at least!
In second place we have Jon Pike, well done Jon!
And in third place, much to my own surprise and probably due to some others dropping out as well, Wes Groot.

50-metre Rifle Competition

The full results sheet for the 50-metre club competition is available on the 50-metre board. For this competition there was some discussion as to whether we drop the 2 or 3 lowest results. In the end, that discussion is largely irrelevant, as the image below will show. Whether we drop 2 or 3 results makes no difference to the top 5, but because dropping 3 scores was agreed, the right-hand column below is considered the official result.

In first place, for the second year running, Tony Kay. Well done Tony!
In second place we have Chris Turner, just falling short but he knows why and next year he will really be chasing that title!
In third place we have Jay, who might have won if he were able to pick a rifle and stick with it!
All three, I’m sure, will be in the race for the top again next year, with the first instalment of the 50-metre Internal Competition set to take place on Tuesday 9 January 2024 and this year counting 10 out of a maximum 12 scores again.

Members’ Day & Holiday Closures

Dear members,

Members’ Day is fast approaching! This Sunday, 10 December, from 10:00, all members are invited to join us for some delicious food, a good natter and a bit of shooting, free of charge as we thank you for another year of your support for our great club!

On Members’ Day the club is NOT open to non-members / visitors.

Also, please be aware that the club will be closed on THREE DAYS over the Christmas and New Year’s period. Notices will be posted up in the club as well.

The club will be CLOSED on:
Sunday 24 December (“Christmas Eve”)
Tuesday 26 December (“Boxing Day”)
Sunday 31 December (“Old Year’s Day”)
We will open as usual on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday 27-30 December.

If not before then, we look forward to seeing you all again for the Inter-club 50-metre competition against Rivington Riflemen (or for your preferred shooting discipline in the 10-metre range or plinking range) on the 2nd of January.

We wish you all a Merry Christmas (or such other holidays as you observe this time of year) and a great start to 2024!

Best wishes,
Your Committee