Just a reminder that the club is open today and over the Easter weekend as normal. Hopefully this message will Egg people on…
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RAGC & Rivington Riflemen Monthly Competition Scores & Results – 5th April 2022
The results are in from our latest competition between Rochdale and Rivington Riflemen. This week Rivington were also joined by some friends from Leigh/Bolton range.
Rochdale were successful in this event but Rivington have been the winners at some of the recent competitions. We will try to post some historic scores at some point in the future.
Well done to all shooters and thanks for another enjoyable evening.
RAGC Monthly Championship Scores – March 2022
New Board and Committee
New members of the Board and the Committee have been elected during Annual General Meeting that was hold on 8th January 2022.
The complete list can be found here
Annual General Meeting
The club AGM will be held on sat the 8th Jan at 10.30
Christmas opening hours
🎄🎁☃️ Christmas opening hours 🎄🎁☃️
The club will be closed on | |
Friday | 24th December |
Saturday | 25th December |
Sunday | 26th December |
Monday | 27th December |
Opening again on | |
Tuesday | 28th December |
Wednesday | 29th December |
Thursday | 30th December |
Closed for the New Year | |
Friday | 31st December |
Saturday | 1st January |
Sunday | 2nd January |
Reopening as normal on | |
Tuesday | 4th January 6pm – 9pm |
NOTE – change in Thursday opening hours
Due to lack of numbers using facilities the Club will remain closed on Thursday afternoon’s.
Evening sessions – doors will continue to open at 6pm-9pm as usual.
* from December 3rd
Well the news we have all been looking forward to.
The government has confirmed today that all the legal covid restrictions (bar one or two) are to lifted on the 19th July, and with that, it allows us to open our doors fully to visitors along side our members.
The club will now open it’s doors to visitors from the 19th July.
All lane restrictions will be removed.
The waring of face masks will be voluntary, and not mandatory within the building.
If you want to ware a mask while in the building you’re more than welcome to, and we ask all members and visitors to be respectful of others that choose to do so.
We do still ask all members and visitors alike to try and keep a minimum 1 m social distance while within the club.
Food will be gradually phased back in.
The committee has made the decision to remove the booking system which was implemented as part of the Covid social distancing rules, and revert back to the pre covid operation of “first come, first served open door policy”
We ask members and visitors alike to be patient with us once again as we all get back up and running with ALL lanes opening.
On a personal note. I want to thanks all RAGC members for your continuous support throughout this pandemic. Your dedication to your club, your patience, and your trust and faith in the committee. It’s not been easy for the staff and the committee in striving to keep the doors open under the restricted operating capacity of the club. The challenges I’ve been numerous, and also complex, I have great faith in our club, and it’s ability to provide a safe, fantastic, and welcoming shooting environment for all level of shooters. I look forward to seeing our club RAGC grow and become one, if not, the best shooting club within the region if not the UK.. (I can but dream 🙏🏻😊)
Thanks you
Simon. 👍🏻
Happy days are here again. (Well nearly 🤔)
I’m please to announce that we will be opening our doors once again on Tuesday the 13th April as long there are no changes in the government guidelines. We will be opening our normal opening hours (check our Facebook page and website for details).
COVID-19 rules will still apply within the club in-line with government legislation. The rules will be exactly the same before we had to close our doors.
* Social distancing must be adhered to in all areas.
* Hands must be sanitised on entering the club (Sanitiser station located at entrance of club).
* Masks MUST be worn on entering the club.
* The 1m+ with masks rule. Masks must be worn at all times within the following areas : Reception, 15m range and the 10m target range.
* The 2m rule within the 50m area, masks most be worn when not seated at your shooting lane.
* Cafe will be closed until restrictions are lifted (on or around 12th May).
* All shooters must bring there own equipment (ie quick fill adapters and shooting bag, etc) as we are unable to provide these under government restrictions.
* Only one person is allowed on a shooting lane at any time, and under no circumstances can two persons interact on a single shooting lane.
* All government social distancing rules must be adhered to.
These rules must be followed in order for us to remain open, and also prevent any possible fines. Anyone caught not adhering to these rules maybe asked to leave the club and referred to the committee for possible further sanctions.
These rules will ease as more restrictions are lifted in conjunction with the governments timeline.
Unfortunately we will only be open to Members of RAGC and NOT the general public (for now) in order for us to manage the numbers on site, and adhere to government guidelines. All membership can be renewed on site if needed, also new memberships are available at this current time.
In order to shoot, the booking system will continue to be in place until further notice, you must be booked in and pay prior to arrival, this will help us manage number on site and also secure your shooting lane. This can be done by calling the club when open.
📜Note from the Chairman📜
As a non for profit club, all our revenue raised is reinvested back into the club on upgrading the facilities and keeping memberships and range fees down.
We, the committee, have managed to keep the wolf from the door throughout these troubling times of Zero income while closed, and still maintains our ethos of a club for its Members.
Although at this present time we are still governed as to COVID-19 social distancing rules, these will not be around for much longer (one hopes) and we can get back to shooting comps, both club and national, and welcoming new and old shooter to the sport we all love and love to talk about.
The Committee and Staff have been working tirelessly, both improving the facilities and managing the financials while closed to make sure you all have a club to come back to with a fantastic shooting environment for all levels of shooters. We will continue to work to improve and grow in order to become one, if not the best club in the Northwest, and a club, which as a member, you can be proud to have a RAGC membership card in your pocket.
We are looking forward to opening our doors once again to all our fantastic members, so that they can enjoy a safe and friendly shooting environment, and can’t wait to hear the sound of lead going down range. 👍🏻
So on behalf of myself, The Committee and Staff. Keep safe and shoot safe. 😊